Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Before deciding to participate in establishing a segregated/allocated precious metal inventory assets holding account, you should carefully consider your objectives. My Assets Card is not a financial adviser and anything we may recommend should not be construed that way. There are risks of market conditions that could value your segregated/allocated precious metals inventory less than your original purchase of the assets. Please be advised that My Assets Card is not responsible if the value of your segregated/allocated precious metal inventory devalues against your original purchase price.
Do I have legal right to my precious metals in the vault and how do I know it is really there?
Yes, you own the precious metals and you have engaged us as agent to secure them in a secured and insured vault on your behalf. When contracting with My Assets Card for your precious metal custody and administration, you will know the location of the vault and have the contact information of the professional vault operator. On a periodic basis we provide you with an internal vault holding report as verification that your asset has been properly accounted for and is secure. On an annual basis you will receive an independent third-party audit report for verification.
What are My Assets Card safeguards for protecting my assets?
In addition to contracting with only well established and properly insured vault operations, at all times metals in our custody are insured against risk of loss. In addition to insurance, we do not operate on a “fractional reserve basis” which means we only hold our client’s assets on a fully allocated basis. This means that none of the assets we manage will ever be encumbered by third party rights.
What if some unforeseen event occurs and My Assets Card ceases to operate?
Under our physical custody operating structure, clients can remain confident in knowing that any unforeseen situations resulting in My Assets Card ceasing operations, you are able to take full delivery of your precious metals in like kind of deposited assets. For clarification, at the time you decide to take delivery and you are only holding a fractional position in a bar or coin we may not be able to provide you with a bar size that matches that fractional position. In cases such as this actual metal delivery may prove impractical and you would therefore receive a monetary distribution for the full value of that fractional metal position on the date of distribution.
Does My Assets Card take client privacy seriously?
Absolutely. We protect our client’s privacy utilizing not only the latest in encryption technology for preventing unauthorized access to our data systems, we will also never disclose this information to a third party without the required client consent.
How am I informed of the balances in my holding accounts?
On the 15th business day of the month, My Assets Card distributes account statements via email for the previous month's activity. My Assets Card "Client Access" website provides 24/7 online access to client's holding accounts and offers the ability to make changes to asset types, asset priorities, personal information and contact preferences.
How do I pay for my precious metal storage costs?
On the last business of the month fees are assessed and deducted from your primary selected asset type and reflected on your monthly statement that is issued on 15th day each month. Storage fees are based upon the value of the assets in holding and average approximately $0.85 per $1,000 in value. There is an economy of scale discount and the breakdown is listed in the download below.
Is the cost of storage based on the space requirements of my metal investment?
Vault operator’s storage & insurance fees are contingent on the space the asset takes up and value of stored assets. Therefore, monthly storage fees will fluctuate based on market value.
Can I visit the vault where my precious metals are stored?
Yes. All we need to do is provide 48-hour notice to the vault operations where you metals are stored. Based on scheduling, viewing is generally available Monday through Friday from 10 AM to 4 PM.
How is my currency holdings account managed and protected?
Your currency holding account is maintained by an FDIC insured bank through the debit card checking account.
How are my assets balanced if only a fraction of a unit is used for a card purchase?
If you make a purchase of $21 dollars and silver is worth $20 per oz at that time, the metal for the transaction is accounted for down to the 12th decimal place. If you ever close your account and wish to redeem your metal, you can buy back the fractional balance to redeem to the whole unit by paying the difference or receive a credit for the fractional balance and apply it to the shipping costs for returning the asset(s) with a check for any USD balance.
Do I have to maintain a minimum balance or minimum transactions?
Your asset holding account is required to maintain a minimum value balance of $1,000 to ensure you have the funds to cover transactions with the debit card. If there is no card activity within 90 days, the debit card is de-activated and will require a $50 fee to re-active with the bank.
If you have any additional questions, please give us a call at 1-800-669-2810 Monday through Friday 10am to 5pm pacific time.